Jordan Reiner


Jordan Reiner, B.A., M.A., LL.B., is a Partner at Lecker & Associates, practicing extensively in employment law, workplace human rights, and employment-related disability cases. Known for his strategic approach, he advocates for employees while also negotiating severance packages and resolving workplace conflicts.

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B.A. in Political Science and Government, Wilfrid Laurier University

M.A. in International Relations and Affairs, Bond University

LL.B., University of Leicester


Called to the bar: 2015 (ON)


Ristanovic v. Corma Inc. Asafov v. Corma Inc. – Superior Court of Justice, May 2021

Jordan Reiner, B.A., M.A., LL.B., is a seasoned partner at Lecker & Associates with a primary focus on employment law, human rights in the workplace, and employment-related disability matters. Jordan’s extensive legal experience covers a broad range of employment issues, from wrongful and constructive dismissal to human rights violations and disability claims. His practice is rooted in advocating for employee rights, and he is known for his ability to navigate intricate legal challenges with precision.

With a strong background in litigation, Jordan has successfully represented clients in various legal forums, including the Ontario Superior Court of Justice, the Ontario Human Rights Tribunal, and the Ontario Labour Relations Board. His experience also spans the Tax Court of Canada, the Landlord and Tenant Board, and the Social Security Tribunal.

Jordan’s earlier experience includes articling in the legal department of a major national bank, where he gained valuable insights into the corporate and financial side of employment law. Alongside his legal career, Jordan brings a unique perspective from his time serving as a lieutenant in the Canadian Forces infantry, demonstrating his commitment to service and leadership. His academic achievements include an LL.B. obtained in 2013, a Bachelor of Arts in Political Science and Global Studies from Wilfrid Laurier University, and a Master’s degree in International Relations.

His approach combines a strategic mindset with a deep understanding of the legal system, allowing him to resolve even the most difficult workplace conflicts with empathy and professionalism.

Prominent Cases:

Plaskitt v Aquatech Pump and Power Inc., 2019 HRTO 493.

Jordan represented Becki Ann Plaskitt at a Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario to successfully secure a rare invalidation of her executed termination documents in order to negotiate a fair severance package for his client.

Lyon v Her Majesty the Queen 2018 TCC 89

Kearston M. Lyon found herself in a legal quandary with the Tax Court of Canada over unpaid taxes. Her employer had pegged her as an independent consultant and did not withhold or remit her income taxes. Yet, she performed duties just like an employee. Jordan successfully helped the Tax Court determine that she was an employee.

Fernandez v S.I. System Partnership, 2018 CarswellOnt 19335; 299 A.C.W.S. (3d) 544

Independent contractor on a fixed term contract. The court held that he was an independent contractor but that the employer acted in bad faith when they terminated the contract, entitling him to the balance of the fixed term.

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