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When Is the Right Time to Hire an Employment Lawyer?

When Is the Right Time to Hire an Employment Lawyer?

by Lecker & Associates | Employee Rights and Entitlements , Employment Contracts , Fired, Laid-off, or Forced out , Illness, Sick, and Stress Leave , Maternity & Parental Leave , Workplace harassment

Employment lawyers are a great resource to have when facing employment-related legal disputes. They ensure that employers' and employees' rights are protected against exploitation and resolve workplace disagreements that violate labour and employment laws. Hiring an employment lawyer is in your best interests because they can explain legal jargon, reduce your risk of being sued and ensure that your company policies are compliant with federal and provincial employment laws.

The best time to hire an employment lawyer is before an employee signs any legal document, becomes subject to an investigation, is let go from work or if they are starting a new job. The best time to hire an employment lawyer for an employer is before your business hires its first employee, establishes its payroll system, determines what kind of operations your staff will be performing or when deciding to end someone’s employment. You may want to consult an employment lawyer if you need to:

1. Draft and Review Company Agreements

Within an organization, there are contracts and documentation that are tailored to the employee, employer or both. Certain agreements and guidelines govern how employers and employees should operate. These may include employment contracts, job descriptions, employee handbooks and severance agreements. Hiring an employment lawyer to draft or review these contracts and policies can save you a liability headache in the long run. Employment counsel can also determine if your documents are legally binding and comply with employment laws.

Company agreements and policies should also be reviewed and updated frequently to reflect changes in employment laws, updates to an employee's contract due to promotion or demotion and to guarantee that all guidelines and legally binding contracts are free from ambiguity and omissions.

2. Resolve Workplace Conflicts or Lawsuits

Handling workplace conflicts and lawsuits internally can be challenging and time-consuming. An experienced employment lawyer can provide third-party legal services to resolve your case. Legal action should be taken if an employee's rights have been violated in any of the following ways:

  • Discrimination: biased treatment from an employer based on race, age, gender or religion
  • Harassment: unwelcome and offensive conduct directed at an individual or group based on sexual orientation, disability or race
  • Wrongful termination: losing a job without cause or compensation
  • Hostile work environment: an unsafe or uncomfortable work environment – for example, due to public shaming, bullying or nepotism
  • Retaliation after whistle-blowing: when an employee is disciplined for highlighting company misconduct
  • Denial of employment benefits such as health insurance

It can also be helpful for employers to seek legal assistance to navigate workplace conflicts or lawsuits. These situations can include everything from disagreements between employees to wage disputes. Working with an employment lawyer can help an employee or employer reach a settlement agreement and avoid a major lawsuit that could ruin the company's reputation and goodwill.

3. Acquire Legal Counsel and Advice

Employment lawyers can help you navigate workplace issues by extending guidance and support in the form of invaluable expert legal advice. They are able to provide legal counsel on employment laws and tax implications, as well as advice on hiring practices, restructuring and redundancy, and avoiding discrimination claims and disciplinary issues. They can also ensure that employees and employers are aware of their legal rights and obligations. One of the most significant benefits of hiring an employment lawyer is that they can provide salient legal advice to minimize your liability as an employee or employer.

Employment Lawyers in Toronto

If your employment rights are being violated or you need legal counsel, consult the expert legal team at Lecker & Associates. Our results-oriented employment lawyers are skilled negotiators with a 35-year history of success. We specialize in employment law services such as job layoffs, workplace harassment and denied disability benefits for employees. Our dedicated legal team will advocate for your best interests and fiercely defend your rights.

Call us at 866-915-3303 or complete our online contact form to request a consultation to discuss the details of your case.

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